Coming November 18th:
FREE programming courses

(See sample of just one course trailer, below.)

7 free courses: And we’re just getting started.

Coding isn’t exclusively reserved for those interested in STEM careers. No matter what subjects you might gravitate toward—we’re actually finding that it’s an invaluable skill for students with all kinds of backgrounds.

No matter your age, level of education, how much free time you might have, our programming courses are designed for any beginners. Whether they’re twelve or one hundred twelve.

Taught by famous personalities, like Ada Lovelace (the world’s first programmer), Charles Babbage (the inventor of the computer), Aristotle (one of the first scientists in history), and even our own founders (who are legitimate gurus), our programming courses are meant to make a seemingly cryptic skill fun, accessible, and oh yeah, completely and utterly free.

Yes, you read that right. Our programming courses are completely free, no strings attached. Our team is deeply committed to making education accessible to everyone, irrespective of the money they were born with.

Join us for our launch on November 18th at 11am ET to learn more!

Career Tracks

AI & Data Science

  • Intro to Python
  • Advanced Python
  • Artificial Intelligence Primer

Fundamentals of Computer Science

  • Computer Hardware: Past, Present Future
  • Intro to Java
  • Intro to Python

Website Development

  • JavaScript